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Has The Government Made the Perfect Country

Written By: Colin Kruger

Nelson_High_School,_Front_Office,_Oct_2015Simulated Country: CoconutCove
School: Nelson H.S.,
Location: Burlington, ON

The town hall began once again today, and even with the recent changes made by the government to benefit everyone, such as an extra power plant, there were still problems and unsatisfied citizens. One such problem was the recurring issue of not every citizen getting their basic needs, such as education.

The government once again said that they did everything in their power to provide for all the citizens, and passed it off as technical problems. “Despite the government building more facilities to provide for everyone, it did not seem to work as intended, so there are still clearly problems in our ruling system and Country” one citizens says.

question_markIn other news, there was some debate between the government and citizens with jobs. The latter said that they were not being payed for being a environmental activist. The Government respond with “They should not be paid because the job had little to no contribution to the country, and that the money should be spent on things that matter” It is debateable whether or not the governmnet should the pay everyone, no matter what their job.

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