Author Archives: Civic Mirror
Checking in With Civic Mirror Countries
Hexaslovakians are looking for justice in cases, the majority of which are against MP Ben. Citizen Adam posted the current court cases within the country justice system, “Treye Vs Ben Breaking the moral and ethical code ($13 040 B6 powerplant … Continue reading
Mud Slinging Takes Over Civic Mirror Country
Hexaslovakian, a country under the leadership of instructor Ben Boucher at Bluevale Collegiate Institute in Waterloo, Ontario, Member of Parliament Jon began his morning on Tuesday November 2, 2010 bright and early with this post: Benjamin, I feel that the … Continue reading
Dictatorship Rules Civic Mirror Country Pandora
On Monday, October 25, Pandorians, a class lead by instructor Cheryl Payne at The Woodlands School in Mississauga, Ontario,logged into their Civic Mirror Accounts to this message from Member of Parliament Tommy: People of Pandora… I am sure that what has … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country Discuss Country Scarcities
Dodojota instructor, Ms. Fruend, begun the day on Tuesday October, 12 with this question: After our open market, there were definitely some obvious imbalances between citizens of Dodojota. Do you think this is something people just have to accept or … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Citizens Debate Power and Authority
On the morning of October 13, Snickersvillian instructor Jeff Phaneuf, posed this question to Snickerville, a grade 10 civic class at St Ursuline College in Chatham, Ontario: Identify similarities and differences in the ways power is distributed in groups, institutions, … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country Paltopia PROP to Ramp Up Policies
Monday October 4, citizens of Civic Mirror country Paltopia, a 10th grade Civics class from Brampt, Ontario, lead by instructorMs. Rebecca Cook at Turner Fenton Secondary, awoke to an announcement from Citizen Natassya: “…we’ve realized we needed to make a … Continue reading
Hexvillian Citizens to Propose Laws
On September 28, 2010 Hexville Instructor/Fearless Leader Mr. Phaneuf offered/assigned Hexville citizens to write bills in this post: 1. Respond to this posting by proposing 2 laws for the government to consider making into law for your country (keep your … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Citizens Debate Government’s Role
Wutangistanians, a 12th grade US History class from Shorewood High School, Shoreline, WA, began theirjourney through the Civic Mirror witha discussion of the role of government. The posts began with a question posed by instructor Ms. Un Chong Kim : Based on … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country Merges Power in Government
The purpose of any government is to lead the citizens of a country in the best way possible. Not every type of government works for every country, however. The citizens of Happy Valley, a twelth grade International Relations class at Shanghai International School lead … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country’s Environmental Battle
Citizens all over the world are moving closer to living “greener,” more enviornmentally responsible lives and the citizens of Civic Mirror Country Bayco, an 11th grade U.S. History class which covers 1877-present, fearlessly lead by instructor Kyle Pinckard at Opelika High School in … Continue reading