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Civic Mirror Citizens Debate Power and Authority

On the morning of October 13, Snickersvillian instructor Jeff Phaneuf, posed this question to Snickerville, a grade 10 civic class at St Ursuline College in Chatham, Ontario:

Identify similarities and differences in the ways power is distributed in groups, institutions, and communities (e.g., in families, classrooms, municipalities) to meet human needs and resolve conflicts.

Comment on how this process occurs in your simulated nation and whether or not you believe it is fair or unfair.

Snickervillians took almost no time to reply.  Citizen Claeys took the bull by the horns to reply first,

“I think it is fair that everybody should meet their basic needs for a low price, but also at the same time it is not fair for the person who paid the money to buy it and sell it for a lower price.  Therefore, they lose money out of that (ex. drake bought a food hex and people wanted him to sell food for 500$ he would lose money out of that. That is why it can be equal and not equal at the same time.”

Citizen Lindsay had a similar answer while presenting a different opinion, “This is fair, because the basic needs are available. You just have to buy them and work to get them.”

While Citizen Whaley, though eloquent in response, could not seem to decide, “The similarities are the way power is distributed in groups, institutions, and communities to meet human needs and resolve conflicts…  The differences…are that when it came to court we had bribing and friends (like assumed) sided with friends.

So far I believe that or government and what not, is so-so. We’re not that fair (i.e we side with friends.) But we’re not totally unfair (The government tried there best to be fair).”

Citizen Corso’s comment showed brevity, “It is similar in our nation because everyone is trying to achieve their basic needs and trying to move forward in the game.

I believe it is fair because it is not hard to achieve the basic needs. They are available for you to buy.”

MP Zimmer was the last to comment, ” I think it is fair that the power is sold equal to everyone so everyone can meet their basic needs but its not in the persons favor because you cant sell power for how much you want, but in this case its the government so it’s fine .”

Each citizen has a different idea on what constitutes fair and unfair.  The key, is to be able to put those ideas together to create a successful country. The other option is collapse.

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