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Referendum Brings Drama to Procrasti-Nation

Prime Minister Mujtaba of Procrasti-Nation is being attacked from former Members of Parliament who are furious with the referendum held.

Citizens of Procrasti-Nation – the country run by a grade 10 Civics class at Turner Fenton Secondary School in Brampton, Ontario – pleaded with the Prime Minister for a re-election. The country was distraught with the Fascist movement their government was heading for and wished to start fresh. In response, Prime Minister Mujtaba held a referendum to eliminate 3 Members of Parliament, all who were behind the Fascist Movement in Procrasti-Nation’s government.

Referendum Results:

On January 14th, Prime Minster Mujtaba announced the results, calculated by the class instructor, Mr. Manning:

62.5% voted yes to eliminate the 3 MPs.
29% voted no to eliminate the MPs.

Prime Minister Mujtaba revealed his plans post-referendum to the nation:
“…first remove Bhavpreet, Adam, and Peggy from the government. Next I will repeal the laws which the citizens referred to as Fascist

Former Member of Parliament’s Response:

Former MP Adam vocalizes his anger and betrayal in a public forum:
“OBVIOUSLY, the whole point of this referendum was so Mujtaba can stay in power, while he backstabs [the] other people…”
Former- MP Adam, as well as fellow former-MP Bhavpreet do not lose momentum, and they continue to fight for a re-election in the country of Procrasti-Nation.

As of now..

The country remains with Prime Minister Mujtaba in power with his 3 Members of Parliament by his side. However, the fight lives on in Procrasti-Nation to one day regain the full 7-person Democratic Government that is now a thing of the past…

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2 Responses to Referendum Brings Drama to Procrasti-Nation

  1. Osmond says:

    Mujtaba was one of the reason fascism started in the first place D; he broke the tie of 3 votes each for fascism

    • Sahil says:

      Hah true say ozzy, true say! LOL we didn’t really PLEAD as such… I just trashed the government and most people followed in suit LOL! STEVEN COLBERT AND JON STEWART MOMENT!