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Jacque Singham Named Supreme Court Justice

Breaking News from Boston College High School

Boston College HS

Jacque Singham was made the Supreme Court Justice of the Republic of Vendette today, a simulated country from Boston College High School, led by Mr. Eric Gartside.

JacqueThe announcement happened just after President Ryan’s State of the Nationa address. Justice Singham says he plans to take the side of the government, demand that evidence presented in court is more solid than mere witness reports, and ensure that everyone is given an equal trial.

Only time will tell what this new development will bring.


Martin Brunswick.

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2 Responses to Jacque Singham Named Supreme Court Justice

  1. Will says:

    I feel that Jaque would make a great Justice. Over here in OTSville we have some issues regarding power as there is blackmail going on to cause this to happen. We have minor shortage with minimal lives lost.

  2. G.P.Quarry says:

    As a perspective on international reactions to this appointment:
    One viewpoint from London, England, is that a number of well informed observers believe that this is an excellent step forward from a governance perspective, and that it represents an optimistic change, based on the belief in the abilities and intentions of the new incumbent chief justice.