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Civic Mirror Country War Update

Towards the end of February The Civic Mirror Trenches featured an article about the war that the CM country Dinoland declared on fellow countries NFPC and Graceland, all students belonging to Instructor Ryan Niman at Mountlake Terrace High School in Mountlake Terrace, Washington. (http://www.civicmirror.com/blog/?p=1244)  It was clear that although the countries would attempt a Peace Summit in order to reach an agreement, peace would be difficult for the countries to achieve.  When last we checked in on the countries war loomed on the horizon.

This situation was an interesting one.  How do countries fight a war on The Civic Mirror?  What would end the war?  Could these countries come to an agreement without resorting to war?  Luckily, the government of DInoland recorded the war itself as well as the results of the war in their forum.  Now, for the first time, this rendering of history will be made public from which anyone in the Civic Mirror community can read and learn in order to make the lives of the citizens in CM countries more successful.

Luckily few “casualties” were sustained and the three countries were able to come to an agreement in the end.  How will these kinds of situations be resolved in the Civic Mirror Future?  Will Civic Mirror experiences become more “international” in the future, or was this situation completely original and out of the ordinary?  Keep reading The Civic Mirror Trenches to find out!

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