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A Civic Mirror Impeachment…

Utopia’s government ( a country in the College of San Mateo in Northern California) has spoken, the President has been impeached.  Our source, Heather, referred me to the official record from the November 18, 2009 court rulings: CRIMES AGAINST SOCIETY:
3) Gov’t Officials who failed to perform their duties or broke Utopian Laws:
Does Congress or the Citizens of Utopia want to prosecute any of these people, all Gov’t position were listed?

President: David
Not only was David convicted of a Civil Class Action for not powering his Education Hex, but he failed to show up for class several times (Ex: during our Legislative Process and was no where to be found when the Spring Event – Trading was taking place, it was the Speaker of the House who called a State of Emergency and saved Utopians).  Congress impeached him with a 2/3 vote.

Friday, November 20, 2009, the citizens of Utopia plan to vote in the next President.  Will he or she be able fix this countries woes, or is Utopia facing a long term situation based on decisions made by the previous president….

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