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Winter 2013 CM Community Enhancements

This week we released some improvements to the Civic Mirror Community that we want to share with everyone.

CM World News

We have overhauled the CM World News page to better displays the most recent activity in the CM Community (forums, wikis, blogs, etc.). This will allow teachers and students from all over the world to learn about (and from) the goings on in the other simulated nations in CM World.

CM World News

CM Educator News

A major focus of ours at the moment is to improve the online community for teachers using Civic Mirror. The fact is, most educators do not use games or simulations in the classroom, so we want to make it easy for the ones using this program to connect with one another so they can share their ideas and support one another through the process. While we have lots in the pipeline, we have updated our Educator News page so that it feeds quality information about what other educators in the community are doing.

CM Educator News

Active Country List and Country Archives

Finally, over the years, as Civic Mirror has grown, it’s become increasingly difficult for users to search for other countries in the community. This week we created two new pages: Active Country List and Country Archives.

Civic Mirror Country List

The Active Country List is sorted by most recent activity, allowing users to peak and see what’s going on in other Civic Mirror countries at that very moment. We intend this to be the first step towards building inter-country functions and features in the years to come.

The Archived Countries page now allows users to see all of the countries from Civic Mirror history, what school and location they were born from, and what school year they existed in. Here’s an example:

These are exciting times for everyone using the Civic Mirror!

If you are not using the program and would like to, or would like a teacher you know to use the program, REQUEST A FREE TRIAL

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