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Civic Mirror Country Discuss Country Scarcities

Dodojota instructor, Ms. Fruend, begun the day on Tuesday October, 12 with this question:

After our open market, there were definitely some obvious imbalances between citizens of Dodojota. Do you think this is something people just have to accept or
could and should they be minimized? How?

Dodojotians responded with different amounts of passion and idealism:

Citizen Vikrant was the first,”I think they should be minimized by either making some kind of law where citizens have some kind of equal chance in getting the different units and apartments or some other fair way where all the citizens agree.”

Citizen Rebecca had an important and vital understanding,” I believe that the imbalances between people should be minimized, but I see no way to properly do that when we live in a society where every hex produces only half the units needed for everyone in the country. I think that everyone should be able to buy food and powered housing at least, because there is enough of that to go around. Even that would help imbalances a little. There is no way that everyone could have the same number of well-being points without the government totally controlling who is allowed to trade for what, which rather defeats the purpose of democracy. I think that as long as everyone has the essentials, the only other thing we can really do is make sure everyone has a chance to get something else.”

Citizen Keren came forward with a similar perspective but a different understanding of that perspective,”After the first open market I know that there are imbalances between the citizens because some citizens have little or no money but are living fairly well and there are also other citizens with a lot of money but no house, food, or other necessities. I think that we should minimize the imbalances by creating laws which allow every citizen to have an opportunity to purchase what they need for their family. Citizens can also take action by signing a contracts with their neighbours to get what they need and repaying them later.”

MP Emma had a personal reason to grieve,”… I do NOT think this is something we just have to deal with because i think Zebediah Bold Prince, Demon Defender, and Nobel forest knome have already died in my family… those were the best 3 names, too…”

Then Citizen Ryan shared an opinion on poverty and welfare,” I think this is fair. Ideally, the government should only support those in poverty that are living like this because they didn’t have chances and opportunities. (EX in the game: not having much money to start) People that are living in poverty but lost all of their money because of their own faults really shouldn’t get support….”

Lastly, Citizen Joseph’s point is worth quoting,”The difference in financial and economic prosperity is very visible after the open market. To some extent these differences have to be accepted. There are some inconveniences that cannot be controlled. For example, students who are absent from class have no way of catching up after events such as open market. These differences can still be controlled but to a degree. In order to do so, I plan, on the next House of Commons day, to pass the Limit Law. This law will limit the amount of units an individual may purchase. In this way everyone has a greater chance of getting what they need. The government welfare system will also work to counter this by supplying less financially stable citizens with enough money to bring them up to the average of money owned by citizens.”

Is the unfair use of resources inevitable in every country or can everyone have equal access? What is the best way to move towards equality?  Should we move towards equality?

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