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Checking in With Civic Mirror Countries

Hexaslovakians are looking for justice in cases, the majority of which are against MP Ben.  Citizen Adam posted the current court cases within the country justice system,

“Treye Vs Ben Breaking the moral and ethical code ($13 040 B6 powerplant C1 tree C2 health E3 house)

Ben vs Dan breaking the moral and ethical code (2 river hexes)

Ben vs Hannah failure to provide a service (arts and entertainment hex)

Jon vs Ben discrimination Ben is also counter suing Jon for the same charge ($2000 )

Adam S vs Brent emotional distress/ failure to provide service(31,520 C6 farm F6 tree B5 power C5 and D4 apartment hex)

Brent vs Adam verbal abuse (2,700 A6 house)

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One Response to Checking in With Civic Mirror Countries

  1. Derek says:

    Can you tell me how the Ben vs Hannah case about failure to provided a service turned out. Our class just got done with the first year and a kid in our class didn’t get any shelter and E/I units and is trying to sue the goverment for not providing his family with these necessities. I want to see if legally he has a case, I would appreciate this.