Author Archives: Civic Mirror
One Lost Civic Mirror Country Found..
The citizens of the country Lost, a class from Newcastle High School in Newcastle, WY, may have felt that way when they first began The Civic Mirror, but are orienting themselves very well thanks to the fearless leadership of their instructor Sonja Karp. The … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Workshops for Ottawa Carleton Social Studies Teachers
Ottawa Carleton Social Studies teachers will be given the opportunity to learn how to use the award-winning Civic Mirror education program at the upcoming Canadian and World Studies professional day, on February 12, 2010. The conference is taking place at … Continue reading
Fuzzy Numbers for Alderwood Civic Mirror Country
The seventh grade citizens of Knockville, a country lead by instructor (and one time Senator) Dean Nakanishi located at Alderwood Middle School in Lynnwood, Washington, have learned a valuable lesson for both the CM game and life in general when they were caught … Continue reading
One Civic Mirror Country Wrestles with Economic Inequality
After their first true “year” on play, the citizens of Laughganistan, a high school government class at Shawnee Mission North High School in Overland Park, Kansas, came together in Town Hall to discuss a topic that has weighed down the … Continue reading
A Civic Mirror Country Designed
The citizens of Sharkbait a class from Hudson High School in Hudson, Massachusetts, have the unique ability and responsibility to design the place in which they live, a unique feature of The Civic Mirror. While many citizens with CM consider what … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country Explores Political Ideals
VonEye01ians, a class of students at New Castle High School in New Castle, Wyoming, have begun the Civic Mirror journey with the chance for citizens to look inside themselves and analyze their own political beliefs and ideals. This kind of soul … Continue reading
Locke or Hobbes for One Civic Mirror Country
The citizens of Zombieland, a class from College Place Middle School in Lynwood, Washington, have been challenged by their instructor Carly Althauser to answer a fundamental question, “Who do you agree with more: Hobbes or Locke? Why? EXPLAIN.” John Locke and Thomas … Continue reading
Ancient or Medieval History with The Civic Mirror (middle school)
Although The Civic Mirror does not directly connect to the middle school curriculum for ancient history and/or medieval times, it could most definitely be used to help students compare and contrast the social, political, and economic systems and structures between … Continue reading
And Only for $19.99!!
They may not slice, dice or keep you warm but the citizens of SuperC, Carley Althauser’s class of 8th graders from College Place Middle School in Edmonds, have proven that they have the Entrepreneurial Spirit that will help them become … Continue reading
A Civic Mirror Country Introduces Itself…
The citizens of Cranergy, a country of 8th grade civics students from Lake Braddock Secondary School in Burke, Virgina, are flexing their history muscles and sharing the history of the cultures that exist within their country. As many Instructors and … Continue reading