Author Archives: Civic Mirror
Environmental Peril in Civic Mirror Country
Much like other governments from around the world, the citizens of Graceland, a class from Mountlake Terrace High School in Washington State, have realized that their environment can and may be in danger. Although it is important to earn a living … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country Declares War!
In what seems to be a Civic Mirror first, the country Dinoland, a Ninth Grade English class from Mountlake Terrace High School has declared war. On Friday Febuary 5, 2010, the Dinoland government made this declaration: “Attention, citizens of Dinoland … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country Eden Works to Construct Own Perfect Land
The citizens of Eden, a class from Hudson High School in Hudson, Massachusetts, are working to create laws that will better their country and (hopefully) give some citizens more well being points. In order to help Edensians write these bills, their … Continue reading
Citizens of Civic Mirror Country Leafland Explore Budgeting
Every organization must find a way to pay for expenses, the same holds true for countries. There are a lot of programs and general upkeep that must be financed, and a system has to exist to determine where and how … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country Chapan Discusses Poverty, Inevitable?
Poverty effects every country in the world. Some countries deal with poverty more than others, but it is a problem in some form or another everywhere, the question becomes is it inevitable? The CM country Chapan, otherwise known as … Continue reading
Silver Liberty Citizens Desperate for Cash… Families Dying!
As the citizens of Silver Liberty, a Civic Mirror country out of The Urban Assembly School of Design and Construction in New York City, prepared for the end of their first simulated year, the citizen pleas for help and assistance … Continue reading
Innovative Legislation from Civic Mirror Country NFPC
It can be difficult for citizens to make money within The CM game. What do you do if you do not own a hex that can either be rented or can produce something you can sell? The citizens from NFPC … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country Pleasure Town Has Pleasant Day…Almost
The country Pleasure Town, otherwise known as the 12th grade International Relations class from Shanghai American School in Shanghai, China, seemed to begin the Civic Mirror with flying colors, at least according to their country forum page. The lively discussion … Continue reading
Civic Mirror Country Leafland Discusses Issues and Solutions
Leaflanders, a civic mirror country from the Learning By Design High School in Haysville, KS, are starting out on a journey that will teach them about government, civics and themselves. Instructor Angela Quiram posted the following questions for her students as perparation for this journey … Continue reading
Homes for the Homeless in one Civic Mirror Country
Myfriendistans, a Civics 11 class from Langley Secondary School in Langley, British Columbia lead by instructor Charles McGill, are finding that there is a large difference between what is idealistic in thier society and what can actually be easily organized and accomplished. … Continue reading