The citizens of the country Lost, a class from Newcastle High School in Newcastle, WY, may have felt that way when they first began The Civic Mirror, but are orienting themselves very well thanks to the fearless leadership of their instructor Sonja Karp. The citizens of Lost have begun to get the lay of the land as they discover where their priorities lie. Sonja Karp began the post with this important question,
“What hexes in The Civic Mirror are so important to the public welfare that they should be owned and operated by the government? What about in the United States?”
Woodk began the conversation showing his trust in the government of Lost,
“The hexes that are really impoartant for everyone are the farms, electricy one, the health care one, the school one, and houses. The reason they are so impoartant are because people would die if they dont get any of these resorces. If everyone dies then the game will be over. If the government owned most of them they would be cheeper because there are more people in the government that make different disshions and it will not be a dictatorship. When the government owns sertian spots it is less biest against other things like in the United States.”
Millsk also agrees that the government would own the hexes responsibly but disagrees on which ones,
“As the economy is a thing that is important to survial the government should own the forest and the school and the technology and at least on river hex. The forest hex would help with polution, the school the government owns in the U.S. already, the technology so the world would be more helpful because instead of creating bigger and better they would create what the people need, and the river would give the people some water instead of having them fight over it.”
Unlike Millsk and Woodk, Harleya has reservations about taking power out of the hands of individual citizens,
“In the Civic Mirror, I believe that the only hexes the government needs to operate and control are the green tree, green river, and education hexes. For the most part the citizens of Lost, and NOT the government should own most of the businesses and enterprises. The government of Lost is here to ensure that our precious natural resources, that take many years to redevelop, are not destroyed. The small amount of taxes that the government charges the citizens of Lost will help fund the free education they deserve.
In the United States, I believe that the national government only needs to own and regulate industries like education and nationalsafety. The founders of our country intended for our economy to be a free enterprise, in which private individuals wheeled and dealed with each other; in turn creating a healthy, competitive economy. The U.S. Government should never become entangled in ownership of healthcare, private companies, power industries, or insurance agencies. The judiciary system has the right to declare what these industries do is right or wrong and the legislative body should make laws that ensure these agencies act in an appropriate manner; but they should never take permanent ownership in any situation.
Christiansenl also jumped on the bandwagon about the environmental hexes,
In the Civic Mirror, the most important hexes concerning public welfare that I feel should be owned and operated by the government are some of the environment hexes such as forest and river hexes. Because these hexes are so difficult to repair, the government should make sure that our country has substantial neccesities so that our community will not die as the manual explains will happen if too many of the environment hexes are developed into something new. I believe that the government should give the people the right to own and manage the farms and school systems along with the rights of free enterprise. In the United States, the government should also protect nature, but keep a close eye on industries such as power plants, and only step in if a populas is in danger.”
Mirelesk, approaching the subject with a slightly different agenda, brings another political theories into play,
“The hexs that are important enough to be government owned are power, security, healthcare, education and some natural resources. Why, one might ask, would these be man
ditory for our government to own? Simply stated, to ensure the instigation of equality. In a prior post I mentioned that the people would have issues with “unfair” money amount. I believe that the government should step in, when deemed important, to help stablize not the illusion of fairness, but the steady drone of equality. It was once stated that communism is the greatest government in theory. In prior experiments (conducted by Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin etc.) communism proves only to feed power-hungy dictators. Why not use the controled enviroment and the need for equality as a chance to test this erratic theory? I believe it will weild staggering results.”
The citizens of Lost would obviously like to trust their government but have some reservations in handing over hexes. While some citizens feel the government would do well with the most important resources, power and food, other citizens feel that it would be in Lostians’ best interests if the government stayed within the environmental sector. How will these citizens be able to compromise and what will turn out to be “best” for everyone involved? Only time will tell…