Dear Civic Mirror Users,
We are excited to announce that the forums are running normally again. You may have encountered an error saying that your post contains too few characters, despite writing a sufficient post. This error occurred when using BBCodes, the feature that allows you to enrich your posts with lists, bolds, italics, quotes, images, and more.
This happened because we upgraded from PHP6 to PHP7 to improve performance. The problem was that our current version of phpBB, the software that runs our forums, was not compatible with PHP7. We tried upgrading phpBB, but because of our heavy customisation to better integrate phpBB with Civic Mirror, we decided an upgrade was not the best option. We instead tweaked phpBB to make it compatible with PHP7.
We sincerely apologise for those that encountered this bug in the past, and hope that you will continue to write posts full of BBCodes in the future!
Derek Lam
CM Support Lead,
Action-Ed Learning Resources, Inc.