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Civic Mirror Country Merges Power in Government

The purpose of any government is to lead the citizens of a country in the best way possible.  Not every type of government works for every country, however.  The citizens of Happy Valley, a twelth grade International Relations class at Shanghai International School lead by Instructor Mr. Sam Vierra, understand this issue completely.  On Monday September 13, 2010 President John announced that Happy Vallians had voted to develop a government that would suit their needs, along with other bills, to govern their country:

Here are the bills that we, the legislators, have agreed on:

1. The House and Senate will hereby be merged into one governing body, separate of the president. In order for a bill to be passed, 3/5 of this body and the president must agree. To overrule the president, 4/5 of the body must agree.

2. The judge position will hereby be merged with the presidential position. Therefore, whoever is president at the time will also be judge of the supreme court.

3. There will be a price limit of 450 Happy Valley dollars set on each energy unit sold in the economy.

Anybody with objections, please voice them here.

It will be interesting to see how this power shift will effect the citizens, laws created and their hidden agendas.

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