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Ontario’s Civics 10 Open ~ CHV20

This is Kind of a Big Deal!

Utilizing the best of game-based and constructivist learning theories, this outline shows teachers how to use Civic Mirror to tackle the CHV20 curriculum and maximize student engagement. 

Curricular Fit

The Civic Mirror’s fit with Ontario’s CHV20 curriculum (2013) continues to be excellent. The revised document opens with the following statement (preface):

It is important that students be connected to the curriculum; that they see themselves in what is taught, how it is taught, and how it applies to the world at large.

Quite excitingly, this is one of Civic Mirror’s greatest strengths: by immersing students into a complex simulated country of their own and challenging them to self-govern it, the program provides students with highly engaging experiences and opportunities to practice political inquiry and active citizenship.

Click the download button to the right to view the curricular fit! 


Civics10 + Civic Mirror Course Outline

That’s right: Complete lesson plans for almost the whole course. A game-based approach to a course that often struggles to engage students. Understanding-based learning modules that replace the need for a civics textbook. Our course outline for the new Civics 10 curriculum is ready!!

The document shows exactly how CHV20 teachers can use CM and its learning modules to cover the majority of the CHV20 learning outcomes… and in a reasonable amount of time! It includes lesson prep notes, suggested homework activities, and how to sequence the learning modules to fit well with Civic Mirror and the course curriculum.

Click the download button to the right to view our course outline.