The Civic Mirror is still a new game for the citizens of Niman5 a ninth grade Literature class at Mountlake Terrace High School but they are already thinking deeply about the Civic Mirror and how it will effect them as a class as well as individuals.
“1. What was the most important thing that you learned in the Civic Mirror Practice Run?
2. Given what you experienced in the Practice Run, what kind of role do you think your government will have to play in order to maintain law and order in your simulated nation?
3. Of the economic and political systems that you know about (think communism, democracy, republic, etc.), which do you think would best satisfy the needs of the residents in our online country? Explain your answer.
Mr. N”
Seth C answered first, ” 1. that you need to get power, food, education, and health care pretty fast
2. make sure that the important things get power.
3. Democratic republic because it works for the u.s.”
Much like any other country, however, there are differing opinions.
Although Tayler H agreed on the first two questions, question three proved to be a divider in terms of fundamental politics, “i think communism because it should be a publicly owned i dont think that goverment should own any land because that will take money away from the public. the way the government should get there money is threw taxes.”
Daniel G did not necessarily have a name for it, but he knows what he expects from his government, “I think whatever will give eveyone power for where they live and health care because thoes are very important”
Whereas Michael G seems to be looking out for one person in particular, “1. friends cant be trusted
2. maintain legal rights over land.
3. dicktatership because it will give 1 honest or not so honest person power to be nice to peaple or not.
It seems as though Niman5 has a lot to figure out to make their country run smoothly. One thing is certain, the more they think about and truly answer questions like these, the more they will understand about their own little country as well as the world around them.