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The Power of Power: Civic Mirror Country Discussion

The citizens of  Sauga City began discussions about the ownership of their Energy/Industry (E/I) hex early in the morning on June 14, 2010, the property that powers the entire Civic Mirror economy. Sauga City is grade 10 class from Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary in   Mississauga, Ontario, Canada and lead fearlessly by instructor Kirsten Anthon.   The Government began the discussion with their post:

“Should the Government take full responsibility for the E/I hex in the year 2001, or a private citizen?

This is NOT a Referendum, just a census. The Government currently has no plans to take the E/I hex from its owner, but now is the time to voice your opinion if you feel that we should.”

Stephen G responded first,”

“The government needs to control the EI hex. We let a private citizen control it and it was handled irresponsibly with the majority of people losing someone in their family due to the poor handling of the EI hex.”

Gurman responded,

“I believe that the government already took many units from the e/i, the deaths were also actually cause of the government. They could have powered other things than the security. That would have meant 7 less deaths.”

This is a difficult decision for any country to make.  Citizens feel they should trust their government but can the private sector handle these utilities, and the power that comes with them, better?

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