Written by: Mike He
Simulated Country: N’gagwu
School: Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Instructor: Mr. Devon Richards
Location: Vancouver, BC
The first issue was education, healthcare and other social issues. The government said that they would provide social units for those whose total assets are below 1500 dollars, but the opposition asked how is the government going to distribute those necessities when there is greater demand than supply.
The government then simply answered, No hex, no problem.
The bill was passed by a vote of 3:2 when there was a tie between the government and the opposition parties and the speaker of the house voted for the government.
The other bill before the recess was the bill C-5, which is on the environment.
The bill focused on how the government is going to manage and regulate the development of the green hexes. The government declared that any development needs to be approved by the government, and if the holder of the developed hex obliges the hex, the government will retake the hex from the owner and nationalize it.
After a short recess, the house resumed with the questions by the opposition parties. Tessa, leader of the National People’s Party, questioned the government on what are they going to do to make sure that the government does not abuse its power and use the environmental excuse to take away any hexes they want?
The bill came to a draw again during the voting process, and it got passed with two votes from the government and one vote from the speaker of the house versus two votes from the opposition parties.
Then, in the house of commons, they discussed about the last bill of personal well being and taxes. The income of a person with hexes (green hexes will not be counted) will have an extra tax. Also, people with a total assets more than 15000 dollars will have another additional 15% tax.