Student-Journalists from Malcolm Shabazz City High School Reporting…
Simulated Country: Turtle Island
School: Malcolm Shabazz City H.S.,
Instructor: Mr. Aaron Kaio
Location: Madison, Wisconsin
We received so impressed by the many great news articles from students at Malcolm Shabbazz running our social studies simulation that we simply had to publish them all.
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Torment in Turtle Island, Jan. 4th, 2017
Government Health Takeover, Jan. 4th, 2017

13 Found Dead on Turtle Island
Written by: Sean Braun, January 4th, 2017
In Turtle Island a government decision fatally killed over 13 people leaving families devastated. The Turtle Island GOV chose to develop a new hex instead of power thanes farm killing many people, Although the new development will help in the future these people did not deserve to die and there was a better way to develop.
Vote Sean 2001!
Income Disparity in Turtle Island
Written by: Dana Nelson, January 9th, 2017
In Turtle Island we have a member of society with more money than the government. Yes, you read that right. We have a citizen with nearly $4,000 more than the government.
We also have a citizen with $409.
Income disparity is a major issue in Turtle Island.
There are multiple ways we can address this issue. We can leave it to the people or we can ask the government for help.
One of our citizens has started a charity, but it is unclear if it is continuing into the next year.
The government has passed legislation to help encourage charities to start, but this is the extent of legislation passed to address this issue.
The question is, who do we need to ask for help, the people or the government?
Trouble in Town Hall!
Written by: Lucas Spencer, January 12th, 2017
It is the year 2001 on Turtle Island, the second year since the creation of our growing country. Unfortunately, the Hidden Agendas of the citizens continue to clash, and our country is suffering because of it. In the year 2000, 15 of our citizen’s family members have died due to disputes and lack of resources between business owners. Undoubtedly a tragedy.
Development of an E/I hex has helped, but the environment is on the verge of suffering due to the future development that private owners have produced on their own, despite the government and the citizens agreement to prioritize an Education hex. Thus, our Town Hall meeting is getting quite “spicy” as citizen Isabel O. stated. Luckily, our citizens stand by and advocate for one another when conversations get heated during the Town Hall, however some of the heated moments occur because of personal attacks.
Both Turtle Island and the Civics Mirror program pose the dilemma dealt across the board: do we come together to run a successful country, or separate to win the game?
An Empty Shell! (Tempers Flare Over Education)
Written By: Lucas Spencer, January 12th, 2017.
Tempers rise as a citizen leaves Turtle Island, after an argument between the people and the government to grant him the Education Unit that he needed at the time, instead of someone who is consistently present and active in Turtle Island decisions and was desperate for their final unit! Now he is gone and the education was wasted! Our citizens who were refused Education lost points and continue to lose their temper. Did the government make the right decision? Or have we failed our citizens?
Great story! Suspenseful! I’m glad you guys are doing better!