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Jamon PM is Found Guilty of Embezzlement: Refuses to Step Down From Position

Written by: Ally Ma

Simulated Country: Jamon
School: Abbey Park High School
Instructor: Mr. Morgan Lin
Location: Oakville, ON

Live for the People party was elected into power by an overwhelming majority with Mr. Bozor as the leader. At the time, it seemed like a good choice was made and a great man would be leading our country. There were promises of affordable food, healthcare, and education, and support for those who needed it. Who wouldn’t want such a thing?
The citizens of Jamon very quickly found that it was too good to be true. During the Hex auction, instead of buying the hexes of necessities, PM Bozor spent government funds on the A&E hex without even consulting the House. As soon as market opened, one of the first things he did was send all A&E units from the government to himself for nothing in exchange. No other MPs had any knowledge of this. It was later brought to light by our Deputy PM, Mr. Oliver, along with the fact that an education unit was taken too.

PM Bozor was taken to court, and found guilty.
His sentence was only to repay what he had earned by selling the A&E units to the government, and even then it was just a rough estimate, rounded down. Many citizens also voiced their dissent and wishes for him to step down.
However, right after the fall passed, instead of returning the money owed, Mr. Bozor instead took even more from the government, taking all the cash in the account.
This time, he was very quickly caught out by MPs and citizens alike, and returned the money making up the flimsy excuse that he was “borrowing” it. For what, he couldn’t even say.
Although all MPs and many citizens implore Mr. Bozor to call an emergency parliamentary meeting, he refuses. He said, “I’ll just go out with a bang,” and “If I go down I’m taking the government with me.”
In this humble journalist’s opinion, with such a corrupt leader at the head of our country, I can not see our future going anywhere but down in the next year. Our MPs must do everything in their power to keep the Prime Minister in check, and citizens must band together in this time of need until the next election.


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